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Natural Leather Attributes

The high-quality genuine leather we use may exhibit the following natural characteristics (including both the outer and inner layers):

1. Scars, pores, insect bites: unique features left by animals during their growth process.
2. Vein lines: part of the structure of genuine leather.
Wrinkles, growth textures: natural folds produced when animals move.
3. Black spots on light-colored leather are a normal phenomenon.
4. Speckles or natural pigment differences on genuine leather.

The above are inevitable natural textures when using genuine leather. However, these characteristics will not affect the durability and quality of the leather goods.

We try to place significant features in less noticeable parts of the leather goods. Please consider this carefully before purchasing. Refunds or exchanges for the above reasons are not accepted.

Inner and Outer Materials

1. Outer Material: Genuine full-grain leather, crafted from premium A-grade Italian goat skin.
2. Inner Material: The underlayer of goat skin leather, providing a soft and supple feel on the inside.
Both exhibit the natural characteristics and unique textures associated with authentic leather materials.


At Broken Fingers, our choice of leather is premium Italian full-grain goatskin, which is vegetable-tanned to minimize chemical usage and promote eco-friendliness. This biodegradable material boasts durability, scratch-resistance, and slight water-resistance. Over time, our leather acquires an appealing patina, adding to its distinctive charm. We take pride in providing sustainable, superior-quality products that not only endure but also respect the environment.

What are the characteristics of Italian Goatskin Leather?


It is renowned for its exceptional durability. The vegetable-tanning process contributes to the leather's strength and resilience, allowing it to withstand daily wear and tear while maintaining its shape and structure.


Full-grain leather is the highest quality of leather available, as it comes from the top layer of the hide, preserving the natural grain and fibrous structure. This makes it more resistant to abrasion, stretching, and general wear compared to other types of leather. Furthermore, the vegetable-tanned leather develops a beautiful patina over time, which not only enhances its appearance but also acts as a natural protective layer, safeguarding the material from environmental factors.

Long Lasting:

The scratch-resistant and slightly water-resistant properties of the leather also contribute to its long-lasting nature, providing added protection against minor spills, light rain, and accidental scratches.