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Strong partnership with local sheltered workshops

Dedicated to imparting skills in leather goods design and production, thus empowering the marginalized communities at the grassroots level.

At Broken Fingers Plus, we are proud to be in a dynamic and ongoing collaboration with the Tsui Lam Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Centre, a commendable sheltered workshop operating under the Christian Family Service Centre.


Our role in this partnership is manifold. We are committed to imparting advanced leather craft knowledge and skills training to the gifted individuals at the workshop, fostering their abilities and talents. Furthermore, we spearhead the product design and branding, ensuring that the exceptional craftsmanship of these artisans is aptly displayed and appreciated.

Showcasing the Distinct Skills of the Talented Artisans

The diverse team partnering with BF+, consisting of individuals from grassroot background with disabilities, autism, and mental challenges, shines in the delicate art of hand-sewing. They display exceptional precision and unparalleled skills, embodying the essence of true craftsmanship. Currently, artisans are able to facilitate the improvement of skills and well-being through their mastery of leathercraft.

Uncompromising Dedication to Quality and Expertise

Our collection highlights the remarkable craftsmanship of esteemed artisans, who pour their heart and soul into each creation. By utilizing the respected French saddle stitch method, we guarantee exceptional durability. Our steadfast commitment is evident in the detailed process and time invested in each product, such as the Boxy Bag, which requires 40 elaborate procedures and approximately 14 hours of production time.